Conscious Cosmetic Acupuncture
You’re tired. You wake up, look in the mirror and notice that lines are starting to form, puffiness and dark circles under your eyes are creeping in and you feel you just lack that luster that seemed to fade from your youth so quickly yet unexpectedly. Where did the time go? You want to take better care of yourself, yet you don’t know where to start. You have an enthusiastic interest in skincare but you get so overwhelmed by all of the choices and you don’t have a lot of time to sort out what is safe, affordable, effective, clean, results-oriented, excellent in quality and even delightful. You also want to look better without going under the knife or investing in quick-acting chemicals or injectables that come with downtime and side-effects because you have a life to live and can’t be consumed by or at the mercy of vanity.
Look no further, my friend, I have a solution for you…
Cosmetic Acupuncture or Facial Rejuvenation is an ancient technique that enhances overall beauty holistically. It is a systematic approach that treats not only your concerns about wrinkles, sagging, collagen and elastin loss and lack of radiance topically but it also addresses the root cause and organ systems that accelerate the aging process.
Cosmetic Acupuncture (rejuvenate + replenish)
75 min $140
Package of 4 is $480, save $80
Package of 10 is $1200, save $200 (*includes a dermaplane add-on for every 4th treatment, valued at $40 each for a total of $80 bonus)
This cosmetic treatment is an extension of traditional acupuncture. It’s said to naturally help make the skin look younger, smoother, and all-around healthier. And unlike injection procedures, facial acupuncture addresses not only signs of aging, but also the skin’s overall health. It works internally to optimize your health while simultaneously enhancing the appearance of your skin. The pins stimulate your lymphatic and circulatory system, which work together to deliver nutrients and oxygen to your skin cells, nourishing skin from the inside out.
This helps even out your complexion and promote your skin’s glow. The positive microtraumas also stimulates the production of collagen. This helps improve elasticity, minimizing fine lines and wrinkles. This treatment includes points on the face & body for overall health support. Cosmetic acupuncture, or acupuncture for facial rejuvenation, is a centuries-old technique that can not only improve your physical appearance, but also enhance your health and beauty from within.
This safe and effective form of therapy is a natural alternative to conventional cosmetic procedures such as Botox and plastic surgery. While the effects are often not as immediate or dramatic as these more invasive techniques, results of cosmetic acupuncture tend to be much more natural in appearance, produce none of the side effects or downtime that comes with surgery, and are more holistic in nature. Additionally, these results are achieved at a fraction of the cost of cosmetic surgery. This treatment includes points on the face & body for overall health support.
Your initial cosmetic acupuncture investment of $125 can roll over into this package. In general, patients tend to see noticeable changes around sessions 4 to 6. However, many patients notice benefits after just 1 or 2 sessions. Between 10 to 15 sessions is the recommended course of treatment, depending on lifestyle, age, and constitution. Although twice weekly sessions are recommended, if this is not possible for the patient, one session per week is also acceptable. These treatments includes points on the face & body for overall health support.
Like massage or yoga therapies, there are many different styles of treatment, and my approach involves addressing the skin topically and internally through nutrition and herbs that rejuvenate the 3 Treasures – known as Jing (your essence), Qi (your energy) and Shen (your spirit). You can think of Jing as your battery or bank account that we are gifted from birth, like an inheritance, and with Western lifestyles we severely deplete our Jing quickly, which plays a role in expediting the aging process. The Qi is our energy in more condensed form that is derived from food and air, so it is important to implement conscious breathing practices and dietary choices to support our health and radiance. The Shen is our soul’s expression, housed in the Heart that emanates from our face and from our eyes. One of the best quotes to explain this is from one of my favorite childhood authors – Roald Dahl…
“If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.”
Seek health & beauty, find your soul’s radiance.